Help Us Help Children, Become a Youth Meditation Instructor

Youth Meditation has served thousands of children across the Carolinas.

Here is how our program is helping kids… and teachers:

“There was a lot of conflict in my family but when she [YM instructor] taught us these techniques it was like opening another door to more peace within the family and not just conflict. Whenever anyone of us is having any kind of conversation whether something simple like what restaurant we are going to eat at or something serious it really helped us be together. Even my family is starting to practice meditation and we are just trying to be better together.” ~Olympic High School Student

“My mom and I had an argument on Friday. I realized I had been replaying that argument in my head until Sunday. When she called again I used the techniques she [YM instructor] gave me and we didn’t argue. We agreed to disagree, respected each other’s position and I realized that I didn’t keep replaying it.” ~Ashley Park Teacher

“When I got home I realized I had locked myself out of my house. I was tired and angry that I had done it. I used the breathing techniques and calmed down. I felt better and knew what I had to do. It wasn’t such a big deal after all.” ~Ashley Park Teacher

“I used my breathing when I was in trouble with my grandma. I was afraid that she was going to take something away from me because I didn’t let out the dogs like I was supposed to. I was upset so I used my breathing and I took out the dogs. I didn’t say anything so my grandmother calmed down and didn’t take anything away from me.” ~Ashley Park 5th grader

“Some girl called me a name at recess and I didn’t like it. I thought about calling them something back but instead I used my breathing. I felt better and he didn’t do anything.” ~Ashley Park 1st grader


Learn Mindful Eating Through Meditation


Three Ways to Outwit Social Anxiety During the Holidays