Four Easy Steps to Achieve Peace of Mind

Relax, breathe, let it go and think positively.

1. Give yourself permission to relax.
Before you can sit down to meditate, you have to give yourself permission to do so. It’s simple but doing nothing isn’t something that’s valued in our modern culture where value is found in productivity. However, stopping to meditate is the very thing that will enable us to be more productive with better health and better attitudes. This is so simple, but it’s not easy so just stick with it. When a distraction comes up, acknowledge it and let it go. This way you can become aware of yourself and the world around you.

2. Take a breath.
Take one long slow deep breath. Then take another. Don’t worry about doing it right. There is no right or wrong. You will get what you need if you just breathe. Allow yourself to feel the calm that is already within you.  Your parasympathetic nervous system will take this as a sign to relax. Your mind will see it as an opportunity to become quiet. Simply allow yourself to slow down for five to eight minutes and breathe. That is the start to any meditation practice.

3. Let it go.
Realize that this time, your meditation time, is when you can let it all go. Whatever burden you are carrying around with you, dragging from room to room, whatever it is, just set it down and let it go. Emotions, fears, things others have said, LET IT GO. That is just your 40,000 year-old brain doing what it does, looking for danger and planning for demise. It’s time for you to take over and LET IT GO.

4. Fill the space.
Whatever you let go of, now decide how to fill that space. If you don’t, your brain will decide for you. Love is always a good place to start.  Every time you start to put someone down, worry about something in the future, criticize someone else or criticize yourself, you plant a seed. Stop yourself from those thoughts and plant a little seed of love and positivity. I realize it sounds a little Pollyanna but just as in riding a bike, you will go where you are looking.

So there you are, four simple steps to creating your own path to your own enlightenment, one that will happen right here, right now. Not tomorrow, not in the next lifetime.
It will happen in the ER, hospital ward, home and car, at the beach and on the street. It will happen in your everyday life. I know. It has happened in mine and that is Meditation.

Ranjit Deora


What is Consciousness: Interview with Guru Ranjit Deora and Angela Gala